Jonathan Isaac Launches Controversial Nike Alternative



Orlando Magic forward Jonathan Isaac has launched a new athletic apparel brand called UNITUS. The brand is founded on Isaac’s Christian faith and dedication to American values, providing an alternative to what he perceives as “woke” retail brands like Nike.

Isaac made headlines in 2020 when he chose to stand during the national anthem while his teammates kneeled. He has since been outspoken about his conservative views, and he has criticized Nike for its support of social justice causes.

UNITUS is designed to appeal to consumers who share Isaac’s values. The brand’s website features a statement of faith that says, “We believe in the power of faith to transform lives and communities.” The website also says that UNITUS is committed to “upholding American values of freedom, justice, and equality.”

The launch of UNITUS has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised Isaac for his courage to stand up for his beliefs. Others have criticized him for being divisive and for promoting a brand that is based on religion and politics.

It remains to be seen whether UNITUS will be a success. The brand is facing an uphill battle against Nike, which is one of the most popular athletic apparel brands in the world. However, Isaac is a talented basketball player with a large following, so it is possible that UNITUS could find a niche market.

The launch of UNITUS is a sign of the times. In recent years, there has been a growing backlash against “woke” brands. Consumers are increasingly looking for brands that share their values, and UNITUS is hoping to capitalize on this trend.

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