Photo Credit: Leon Halip-USA TODAY Sports
Anthony Davis Invented A New Challenge – The #DriveByDunkChallenge
This is probably my new favorite challenge. Anthony Davis’ ‘Drive By Dunk Challenge’ should really become a thing.
Davis is driving around in his car and stopping at random peoples’ driveways that have a hoop. He then gets out of the car, dunks the ball, gets back into the car and continues his journey.
The best thing about this: Those people might never know that Anthony Davis was in their driveway dunking on their hoop.
Apparently, this is an ad for Red Bull, but ot doesn’t bother me at all, as long as they’re this creative.
Might not want to leave your hoops out….. we coming for em!! #DriveByDunkChallenge #GivesYouWings pic.twitter.com/oeBoW4lzNs
— Anthony Davis (@AntDavis23) July 21, 2017