James Harden Wants To Be Remembered As A Winner When He’s Done Playing


James Harden may be one of the most scrutinized players in the league, but his achievements can’t be denied. He’s an MVP, a 10-time All-Star, a seven-time All-NBA winner, a three-time scoring champion, and a two-time assists leader, among others.

However, one glaring omission remains on his resume is a championship ring. His closest shot came in the 2012 Finals when he was a sixth man for the Oklahoma City Thunder. He hasn’t made the NBA Finals since then.

Now 34 and past his prime, the question remains whether Harden can still add that elusive championship to his impressive resume. Nevertheless, Harden wants to be remembered as a winner when he’s done playing.


“That I was a winner… Put the money aside. I really love and enjoy the game of basketball.”


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