76 Years Ago Today, The First Game In NBA History Was Played

76 Years Ago Today, The First Game In NBA History Was Played


On this day in 1946, the first ever NBA [at the time called the BAA] basketball game took place in Toronto, Canada.



The game was played between The New York Knicks and the hometown Toronto Huskies at Maple Leaf Gardens and drew in 7,090 spectators, most who knew very little about basketball.

The New York Knicks ended up winning the close contest by two points, with 68-66.

Guard Leo Gottlieb led the Knicks in scoring with 14 points, and Huskies big men Ed Sadowski with 18 points and George Norstrand with 16 points, were the top scorers of the game.

Norstrand in general has a pretty special place in this first ever NBA game, as the big man was part of a marketing campaign to draw fans to the game. Any fan who was taller than the 6-foot-8 Norstrand, was offered free admission. Tickets for normal fans, ranged from 75 cents to $2.50.



Ossie Schectman was the one scoring the first ever basket in NBA history.


First Basket in NBA history


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